Introducing Learn!

Introducing Learn!

The day we are launching our tutorials is finally upon us!

We have been working as hard as busy little bees to get this content just perfect. Next week, uploads will jump to 5 whole days a week!

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday keep your eyes peeled for our new Learn series of videos. These videos come in pairs.

The first video will be the tutorial. You will get a deep dive into the topic of the day. In this video, we will discuss, in detail, the concept. Videos are kept short by separating organisms system by system to find out how each part functions as an independent piece of the whole. Once you have got these facts down, proceed onto the second video to test your understanding.

These test videos can be enjoyed with our without the volume like a virtual deck of flashcards. No longer will you have to beg your friends to quiz you! You can also simply enjoy them podcast style, to test yourself on the go.

We will start with an introduction to Protists on Monday, you do not want to miss out.

Thursday you can still expect to get your weekly study hacks while Sundays keep the organization coming.

If you are not subscribed to us on youtube already, now is a great time to do so. You do not want to miss out.